Lucy Ingham

Head of Content & Editor-in-Chief
Lucy is Head of Content & Editor-in-Chief at FXC Intelligence, overseeing all content and taking deep dives into the trends and data driving changes in payments. Before joining FXC Intelligence, Lucy worked as a technology journalist and editor, interviewing CEOs and major names across enterprise technology, including fintech. She has an MSc in Development Anthropology from Durham University.
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Santander’s PagoNxt has reported its H1 2024 results, with solid top-line numbers that speak to the division’s ongoing growth.
As the global arm of Ant Group, Ant International has steadily been growing its reach in Europe. We spoke to Ant International President Douglas Feagin.
Last week we met some of you at Point Zero Forum in Zurich, Switzerland, for an engaging event packed with thought-provoking discussions and networking.
Revolut has published its FY 2023 results, showing a company that is increasingly seeing strong performance.
Last week, South African remittances player Mama Money announced it was launching a WhatsApp-based virtual card and banking service.
For the last 18 months, the Reserve Bank of India has been publishing data on cross-border payments from the country using credit cards, debit cards and prepaid payment instruments, including digital wallets. We dig into the data to uncover key trends.
On 18 June, remittances player Small World formally entered special administration; analysis of our pricing data provides a sense of how this played out.
Corpay is acquiring B2B cross-border business GPS Capital Markets in a boost to its Corporate Payments division. Group President Mark Frey explains.
A survey of central banks published by the Bank for International Settlement highlights that focus on CBDCs continues to increase.
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